In January, my boyfriend, Hito, quit his job and moved back to my community. Now he works in construction nearby and spends free time taking me places on his moto and playing baseball with all the other local guys. It's been nice to have him nearby, although it's meant some adjustments for both of us.
A week ago, one of my good friends got in a motorcycle accident. He has 2 head injuries where he hit his head on the back of his motorcycle, as well as a busted mouth where the tire hit him in the face. In the last week he has healed remarkably well, and we are hoping that he continues at this rate.
Also in January, I re-started and English class. This time around there have been few students since it's during school months and the evenings are dark. The session will end at the end of this month, to start again in May or June. I continue to find teaching English frustrating. I don't have a curriculum, and although I have a few excellent students, many Dominicans have been taught bad pronunciation, so a lot of time goes into trying to re-teach them. Later this week I need to put together their final exam, which I think I am dreading more than they are!