23 August 2007


Well, time to bring some closure to this blog. In June I found out I was pregnant, which brought an unexpectedly abrupt end to my near 2 years of Peace Corps service. Once Washington heard I was having twins, they wanted me on the next flight back to the good ol' US! (At least by then it was July.) Realistically, it took me an extended weekend of packing a saying goodbye, and another 3 days of paperwork in the capital before I was on a plane. Saying goodbye under pressure is NOT the ideal way to leave people that have been your family for the last 2 years. To boot, there's no phones up there, so not much communication with them. On the plus side, my boyfriend keeps me posted on some of the happenings.

Speaking of Hito... it's been a challenge to be separated. We have been together for over a year and half... and for the last half year, we've been inseperable. He was my support and my sanity during some of the crazy projects I was undertaking. We're working on his visa, but it's proving to be a serious test of our patience. It's strange to be experiencing so many of the things I've been missing (like washers and dryers, and Starbucks, and Target, and hot water), and in a few months or a year, I'll finally get to introduce him to all that.

My friends back in the DR are all starting to think of their last big hurrahs of projects as their time is quickly coming to a close. I'm hoping to help a couple friends with the high school computer lab project we started. They've gotten some of the funding for Phase I (hurrah!), so hopefully the computers will be purchased soon. Over all, I'm very proud of Courtney and my work on the Birth Certificate project, pleased with how the youth camps went last year (and sad I couldn't be around to do them again this year), and super excited for the future of this rural computer lab. Good luck Megan! It's been a good service overall, even if it did end a bit early. And thank you for all your reading and support!!!

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