Time waits for no one...
And I think it has flown by me on a Yamaha DT, leaving me sitting on my butt in the dust. Krista recently called to my attention the fact that it's been OVER a month since my last update! Where HAS March gone?!? Of course, this lack of communication is not an indicator of a boring life. Au contrair. Things have been wildly exciting! To briefly highlight a few...
- Krista visited for a week
- my parents visited for a week
(shouldn't that sum up why I've been AWOL?)
- I moved into a new house
- I lost 2 volunteers near me - one finished, the other left early
- the new volunteer group swore in (welcome!)
- and... I've taken over the Emergency Coordinator position for my region.
Naturally there has been the over-abundance of meetings to attend, and plenty of time spent with neighbors. The latest pastime has been teaching everyone to play UNO. It's been a blast, but surprisingly difficult for some people to understand! But more on my visits...

Game night at my house with the local crazy boys!
1 comment:
Tell Krista to lighten up, doesn't look like she has done blogging either! Guess she'd say something about having to pack her roomates things. ;o)
We still keep you close to our hearts and prayers.
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